YOUR MOM WAS RIGHT!  That is, if she told you to stand up straight.  Nearing a birthday this Friday, I am very aware that gravity is not kind to us as we age.

A recent visit to my chiropractor reminded me that kyphosis (shoulder rounding) is happening and may lead to lordosis (sway back) which pulls on my glutes and hamstrings and down my legs it goes.  Not a pretty picture!

As I have been very aware of my posture this week, I am practicing some tips . . .

- press your shoulder blades into the back of your seat while driving.  Press harder at red lights

- look straight ahead rather than down while walking, running, mowing the lawn, shopping, etc.

- how's your posture right now as you are sitting at your computer???

- rather than focusing on keeping your shoulders back, elongate your ribcage and neck

- no slouching on your couch or chair while watching TV, reading, or just visiting

Take a week-long challenge with me to "stand proud" and practice these tips.  None of us want to be more stooped-over than we need to be when we are old!